海伦凯勒英语作文 介绍海伦凯勒的英语作文及翻译

发布日期:2024-09-17 00:05:13     手机:https://www.taogoole.com/mobile/wenda/show-30310.html    违规举报
核心提示:1、The classmates, you know the blind deaf-mute female writer, Helen? Keller? Let me say for you!Helen Keller is a famous

海伦凯勒英语作文 介绍海伦凯勒的英语作文及翻译

1、The classmates, you know the blind deaf-mute female writer, Helen? Keller? Let me say for you!

Helen Keller is a famous American woman writer. Helen? Keller born 19 months, the United States is a popular scarlet fever of infectious diseases. Unfortunately, Helen? Keller 19 months on the scarlet fever. So, caused the Helen? Keller\'s vision invisible, hearing don\'t recognize. For years, her mouth can\'t say that.

Now, Helen? Keller is deaf, dumb and blind. Gradually, she learned the language, learn to read, you may feel a little surprising, a blind man altogether would like ordinary people read a book? She is by hand to touch the words. Of course, her book the word is uneven. For some days, Helen? Keller slowly began to have communication with others. Their communication is put on someone else\'s mouth, with lips, to discern what you are talking about. Sometimes, when she will put his hand on the small tree, can occasionally feel a bird in the branches sang songs.

Even the Helen? Keller of the blind, deaf, dumb woman writer will be brave in the face of difficulties. And me, a man of strong legs, will retreat in the face of a little difficulties, always called adults to help, dare not brave to face alone.

Who has the right to life, who can create a colorful world of their own, Helen? Keller told me such a truth.







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